On Monday 01 August 2005 13:52, Scott Marlowe wrote: > On Mon, 2005-08-01 at 11:44, Vratislav_Morkus@xxxxxx wrote: > > Hi all, > > I am sorry for a stupid easy question, but I'am PostgreSQL novice. > > Our development team has encountered problem with trying to install and > > maintain cluster (pgcluster) on our production database. So they have > > decided to switch the entire solution to MySql database. > > a) have you got any good/bad experience with administering and running > > cluster on PostrgeSQL DB? > > b) would u switch PostgreSQL to MySql (7.4 --> 4.1) and why? > > I would never switch from pgsql to mysql. > > Here's a short list of the reasons why: > > http://sql-info.de/mysql/gotchas.html > > If they're having problems and haven't asked for help in these lists, > then I'm willing to be they're just looking for an excuse to change to > what they're comfortable with, and not really serious about using > postgresql. > > Also, why pgcluster? why not slony or mammoth replicator? Both of > those are fine pieces of software that handle most replication needs. > Combine slony with pgpool and a few scripts and you've got quite a nice > cluster setup. > Can someone point me to the multi-master replication docs for my$ql 4.1? I agree with Scott, sounds like they are looking for an excuse. -- Robert Treat Build A Brighter Lamp :: Linux Apache {middleware} PostgreSQL ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ? http://www.postgresql.org/docs/faq