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pg_get_serial_sequence and inheritance

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Hi all,

I've come accross a problem with pg_get_serial_sequence(table, serial_column) when dealing with inherited tables if the serial was defined in the parent table. The function would not return the serial name in this case if the child table is specified.

To solve it, and improve its usability for all you MSSQL converts using the typical and common-sense single serial identifier and primary key (I wonder what would you want to use two serials in one table?), a plpgsql function to retrieve the sequence for whatever it is the first serial available for a given table (it actually works with any column with a default defined for nextval('whatever'::text) ). Following is the code for it, I hope you find it useful. Get the last inserted value as "SELECT currval(f_get_serial_seq_name(reloid('public', 'mytable', 'r'))) AS last_id".

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "reloid" (p_schemaname name, p_relname name, p_relkind name) RETURNS oid AS
SELECT oid FROM pg_class
  WHERE relkind = $3 AND relname = $2 AND relnamespace = gbt.schemaoid($1);

create or replace function f_get_serial_seq_name(p_reloid oid) returns name as $$
  _atdef pg_attrdef;
FOR _atdef IN SELECT * FROM pg_attrdef WHERE adrelid = p_reloid AND adsrc like 'nextval(%_seq''::text)' ORDER BY adnum LIMIT 1 LOOP RETURN substring(_atdef.adsrc from 'nextval#(''#"%#"''::text#)' for '#');
  RETURN null;
END; $$ language plpgsql;
comment on function gbt.f_get_serial_seq_name(oid) is
'Similar to pg_get_serial_sequence, but assumes always the sequence for the first column that has a nextval for any sequence named [...]_seq, and regardless of having the column been defined as serial or not.'

Please post comments, I think it can be further optimised and enhanced quite a bit.


Ezequiel Tolnay

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