If linking it in directly via C would bring in the MySQL license, and
you want to avoid that, what about one of the scripting languages
such as perl or python, or possibly even ruby? Or, what about using
UnixODBC to talk to MySQL.
I've written a few perl scripts when I need to convert MySQL into
Postgres. Nothing formalized, I usually just recreate it each time I
need to do something. My needs are typically pretty simple though,
and I know what I'm converting, so it makes it easier.
I think one of the more difficult areas will be to convert unsigned
fields from mysql into postgres. For smaller sizes it is possible to
convert to postgres by moving one size up and using constraints to
restrict numbers to be positive, and possibly within the mysql range
too. But, the problem is unsigned bigint in mysql to postgresql.
There's not another larger integer size that can be used that would
allow the 18446744073709551615 (is that the max value?) max value
available in mysql. Or am I missing something?
I think running into these would be rare, but it is something to be
On Jul 27, 2005, at 7:20 PM, Christopher Kings-Lynne wrote:
So far, the checklist I can see includes:
* Maintaining conversion scripts
What I think we need is a C program that dumps directly from MySQL
into PostgreSQL sql.
ie. Take the mysqldump source code and just modify its output.
Will inherit the MySQL license though :(
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