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Re: transaction timeout

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> If you have second database in the cluster is it
> still operational when 
> the main database locks up?

we don't have a DB cluster. It would be pretty useless
since postgresql doesn't support distributed

> Also it seems that some diagnostics are needed in
> the client app to log 
> the crash event so you can determine which SQL
> commands are causing the 
> lock.

I'll try to get that next time it happens. But
regardless of sql commands are running, I know what
the root cause is: a client hangs while in
> Despite many years of writing buggy code I have not
> yet locked a whole 
> DB in the fashion described. I can not see how a
> simple select / insert 
> / update command sequence can achieve it unless
> there is a particular 
> relation between the tables involved.

As I have already said, I suspect this might be caused
by a combination of an open transaction and a weekly
VACUUM FULL. Does that sound right?

> If the tables are related / linked via rules /
> triggers/ keys then 
> perhaps add a test table that bears no relation to
> the others and see if 
> it is locked when the others appear to have this
> problem you are describing.
> Perhaps a simple test : When the DB error occurs can
> you use PGAdmin to 
> read an independent table, or read from another
> database.

thanks, I'll try that.


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