Well, after hours to debug this issue, I found the problem. There is a misspelled word, thanks and sorry for waste your time. Alejandro 2005/7/21, Alejandro D. Burne <alejandro.dburne@xxxxxxxxx>: > Thanks Michael for your reply, I've attached the db structure and some > data to add, this is the command that fire the trigger. > > insert into socios (codigoprofesion, matriculaprofesional, codigoctm, > nombreprofesional, codigotipodocumento, > numerodocumento, calleparticular, numeroparticular, pisoparticular, > dtoparticular, otrosparticular, > codigolocalidadparticular, telefonoparticular, calleconsultorio, > numeroconsultorio, pisoconsultorio, > dtoconsultorio, otrosconsultorio, codigolocalidadconsultorio, > telefonoconsultorio, codigocobrador, > codigolocalidadcobranza, codigozona, sexo, codigomotivobajaservsoc, > fechaingresoctm, codigomotivobajactm, > codigonacionalidad, fechaegreso, codigocondicioniva, cuit, > codigoganancia, ingresosbrutos, > nrocajajubilacion, nroartedecurar, codigouniversidad, > codigoespecialidad, codigoespecialidad2, > codigoformacobro, codigobanco, codigosucursal, numerocuentabanco, > codigotiposociedad, numerotarjeta, > codigogastoadministrativo, email, numeroregistrosss, > nombreprofesionalcheque) VALUES > (1, 1, 1, 'TEST', 1, 123456, '', '', '', '', '', 20000, '', '', '', > '', '', '', 20000, '', 1, > 20000, 1, 'M', 0, CURRENT_DATE, 0, 1, CURRENT_DATE, 1, '', 1, '', 0, > 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, > 1, '', 0, ''); > > Error message (in spanish, sorry): > ERROR: error de sintaxis en o cerca de «INTO» at character 9 > QUERY: SELECT INTO NroRegistros COUNT(CodigoDomicilioMultiple) FROM > DomiciliosMultiples WHERE CodigoProfesion= $1 AND > MatriculaProfesional= $2 > CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function "socio_update" line 21 at SQL statement > > I don't know why fires socio_update trigger (seems to be the problem), > I just insert a record on socios, there is no update command on socios > on socio_insert trigger. > > Thanks again Alejandro > > > > 2005/7/20, Michael Fuhr <mike@xxxxxxxx>: > > On Wed, Jul 20, 2005 at 03:00:42PM -0300, Alejandro D. Burne wrote: > > > Hi, I'll be trying to write a my first trigger which fire when an user > > > makes an insert into a table; this insert records in others tables. > > > But when I try to insert a record in trigger's table generate an error: > > > - Syntax error near "into" in char 9. - > > > > The INSERT statement itself might be at fault instead of the trigger > > function. Please post the INSERT statement and the complete, exact > > error message (there are probably multiple lines). If that doesn't > > tell us what's wrong, then we'll need to see a self-contained > > example, i.e., all SQL statements that somebody could execute in > > an empty database to reproduce the problem. > > > > -- > > Michael Fuhr > > http://www.fuhr.org/~mfuhr/ > > > > > ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ? http://www.postgresql.org/docs/faq