Tom Lane wrote:
Joe Maldonado <jmaldonado@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
While researching this locking issue I got some of the logs and found
that in one of the cases there was a SELECT running for a long time,
about 2 hours. This select statement does not usually take more than a
few seconds though, it appeared that TRUNCATE was waiting on it to
finish before continuing.
The SELECT statement in question contains a sub SELECT in the FROM
clause which in turn is joining with a view that contains the table
which TRUNCATE is being executed against.
Is it possible that the SELECT was issues just before the TRUNCATE
statement was issues and the view in the sub SELECT was waiting on
TRUNCATE's lock?
No. That would be a deadlock and would be reported as such.
regards, tom lane
Again many thanks :)
- Joe Maldonado
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TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster