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Re: Changes to not deferred FK in 8.0.3 to 7.4?

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Am Dienstag, 19. Juli 2005 15:40 schrieb Tom Lane:
> Janning Vygen <vygen@xxxxxx> writes:
> > On more related question:
> > I updated pg_trigger and pg_constraint and changed all my FK:
> >
> > UPDATE pg_trigger
> > SET
> >   tgdeferrable = true,
> >   tginitdeferred = true
> > WHERE tgconstrname LIKE 'fk_%'
> > ;
> >
> > UPDATE pg_constraint
> > SET
> >   condeferrable = true,
> >   condeferred = true
> > WHERE conname LIKE 'fk_%'
> > ;
> No, only the triggers that are for checks should be marked
> deferrable/deferred.  These are the ones using functions
>  RI_FKey_check_ins
>  RI_FKey_check_upd
>  RI_FKey_noaction_del
>  RI_FKey_noaction_upd
> You want the others nondeferrable because (a) that's the standard
> behavior and (b) it'll ensure that the actions happen before the
> checks are made.

ok thanks. i do it now like this:

UPDATE pg_trigger 
  tgdeferrable = true,
  tginitdeferred = true
WHERE tgconstrname LIKE 'fk_%'
 AND tgfoid IN (
   SELECT oid FROM pg_proc 
   WHERE proname IN (
    'RI_FKey_check_ins', 'RI_FKey_check_upd', 
    'RI_FKey_noaction_del', 'RI_FKey_noaction_upd')

UPDATE pg_constraint
  condeferrable = true,
  condeferred = true
WHERE conname LIKE 'fk_%'


This should work i hope, but i feel a little bit unsure if hacking the 
pg_catalog is a good way to do it. Maybe I should have take the long, but 
secure way by modifying the schema with ddl statements.

kind regards,

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