Dan Armbrust wrote:
Hmm, well, I don't know if it is actually building an index properly on
this column, I just assumed that it was. It doesn't fail on every
insert, only on the one that has a really long text value. I know it
doesn't use the index when I do "ILIKE" queries, resulting in poor
performance... but I assumed that was because I was trying to do a case
insensitve search on a case sensitive column index. I didn't want to go
down the road of writing even more database implementation specific
code. I will usually be using Lucene for the full text searches anyway.
Where is the documentation on tsearch2? I haven't seen it mentioned
anywhere except a couple of mailing list postings.
And a devx article here:
All of my other limitations on changing things aside - given a query
like this:
Select * from conceptproperty where codingSchemeName='foo' AND
property='anotherfoo' and propertyValue ILIKE 'valu%'
What indexe(s) would be recommended?
Why don't you do this:
Select * from conceptproperty where codingSchemeName='foo' AND
property='anotherfoo' and propertyValue ~ lower('valu');
and have an index:
create index lower_propertyvalue_idx on
and have a index:
I would also be curious to see an explain analyze.
Joshua D. Drake
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