I am not an everyday python programmer but I am pretty sure that you are
trying to return a list in arf(). You can't return a list you have to
return the array type which is why arf2 works.
Ok. How does one convert a python list to a PGSql array then? Is there
a better way to do it than what I did in arf2?
I don't think you can with plPython at least not without reformatting
the list within the function itself.
The reasons srf works is because you are just returning text in general
regardless that it is formatting to a list.
How does one return a set then? I want as my output:
You would actually have to have a set. What I believe you are trying to
do is transform a list to a result set. I don't think you can do that
without some additional programming within the function.
Somebody may know of a better way but what I would think would happen is
Break up list, insert each value of list into a temp table as a row,
return set of temp table.
Joshua D. Drake
SELECT * FROM srf();
(3 rows)
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