Hi, [i am using Postgresql version 8.0.3] yesterday i posted a mail regarding a function which calculates a ranking with a plperl SHARED variable. Today i ve got some problems with it: FEHLER: duplizierter Schlüssel verletzt Unique-Constraint »pg_type_typname_nsp_index« CONTEXT: SQL-Anweisung »CREATE TEMP TABLE ranking AS SELECT *, ranking(r1.gc_gesamtpunkte, r1.gc_gesamtsiege) AS rank FROM ( SELECT mg_name, gc_gesamtpunkte, gc_gesamtsiege FROM temp_gc ORDER BY gc_gesamtpunkte DESC, gc_gesamtsiege DESC, mg_name ASC ) AS r1« [it meens: ERROR: duplicate key violates UNIQUE-Constraint] I am running a stats collector function inside a transaction with isolation level serializable. the code which throws an error is the following: ----snip------------ CREATE OR REPLACE function cacheresult(text) RETURNS boolean LANGUAGE 'plperl' AS $$ [...] PERFORM reset_ranking(); CREATE TEMP TABLE ranking AS SELECT *, ranking(r1.gc_gesamtpunkte, r1.gc_gesamtsiege) AS rank FROM ( SELECT mg_name, gc_gesamtpunkte, gc_gesamtsiege FROM temp_gc ORDER BY gc_gesamtpunkte DESC, gc_gesamtsiege DESC, mg_name ASC ) AS r1 ; EXECUTE ' UPDATE temp_gc SET gc_rank = ranking.rank FROM ranking WHERE temp_gc.mg_name = ranking.mg_name; '; DROP TABLE ranking; [...] ----snip------------ and the ranking function is as follows: CREATE OR REPLACE function ranking(int4, float) RETURNS int4 LANGUAGE 'plperl' AS $$ my %this; $this{'gesamtpunkte'} = shift; $this{'sptsiege'} = shift; $this{'ranking'} = $_SHARED{'prev'}{'ranking'}; $this{'count'} = $_SHARED{'prev'}{'count'} + 1; $_SHARED{'prev'}{'gesamtpunkte'} = -1 if !defined $_SHARED{'prev'} {'gesamtpunkte'}; $this{'ranking'} = $this{'count'} unless $this{'gesamtpunkte'} == $_SHARED{'prev'}{'gesamtpunkte'} and $this{'sptsiege'} == $_SHARED{'prev'}{'sptsiege'} ; $_SHARED{'prev'} = \%this; return $this{'ranking'}; $$; ----snip------------ the function is called many times inside the same transaction. Tom Lane wrote in a another thread regarding 7.4 [ http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-novice/2004-11/msg00246.php ] "It looks like the source of the problem is an only-partially-deleted temp table left behind by some prior failure. Specifically, the rowtype entry for the table is still there in pg_type, though its pg_class entry must be gone or you'd have gotten a different error message. This seems pretty odd, since the catalog entries should have been deleted in a single transaction." I was just testing some configuration settings, especially increasing shared_buffers and setting fsync to false. And suddenly it happens 3 times out of ten that i get this error. It seems to me that setting fsync to false was not a good idea... Is it a bug? I dont know. What can i do to prevent it? What might be the reason for this error? kind regards, janning ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ? http://www.postgresql.org/docs/faq