Richard Huxton wrote:
Ben-Nes Yonatan wrote:
Richard Huxton wrote:
Can anyone tell me if Pl/PgSQL can support a multi dimensional array
(of up to 5 levels top I guess) with about 100,000 values?
and does it stress the system too much?
I can't imagine it being wonderful - you probably want a different
procedural language. Or a different approach come to think of it -
can I ask what you are using 5D arrays with 100,000 values for?
Indeed you can my good sir :)
Im going to insert into one table a list of about 3.5 million products
each day, thouse products also contain data about their own categories.
Now I receive all of this data every day and I need to delete all of
the previous data each time and insert the new one.
In order to create the category table (tree table) I want to create an
array out of the categories information at the products and then
insert it into the the categories table (the tree :)).
I would be tempted use an external perl script to receive the data and
insert it into the database, building the categories tree as it did so.
Richard Huxton
Archonet Ltd
Sadly im not familiar with Perl...
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not