This works to put the date in the filename on Windows 2000: In a .bat file: @echo off for /f "tokens=1-4 delims=/ " %%i in ("%date%") do ( set dow=%%i set month=%%j set day=%%k set year=%%l ) set datestr=%month%_%day%_%year% echo datestr is %datestr% set BACKUP_FILE=MYDB_%datestr% echo backup file name is %BACKUP_FILE% This creates a filename MYDB_mm_dd_yy. When you run the little test .bat script above, you will get: datestr is 06_30_2005 backup file name is MYDB_06_30_2005 Hope this helps. Susan Zlatko Matić <zlatko.matic1@xxxxxxxx To: <pgsql-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> .hr> cc: Sent by: Subject: PostgreSQL, WIndows, regular backup |-------------------| pgsql-general-owner@pos | [ ] Expand Groups | |-------------------| 06/30/2005 09:52 AM Hello. I would appreciate if someone helps me to resolve this problem about regular backups on Windows. I have a batch file (.bat) for backup, but don't know how to include timestamp in backup file name. In this way I allways have only one, the most recent, backup file. I want Windows to produce regular backups with timestamp in file's name...The script is the following: pg_dump -f D:\MYDB_BCP -Fc -x -h localhost -U postgres MYDB How to include timestamp ? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See our award-winning line of tape and disk-based backup & recovery solutions at ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster