OK..i get it. It works...
My additional question is: how to incorporate timestamp in dumped file name
Let's say, if we have script: pg_dump -f D:\MYDB_BCP -Fc -c -x -h
localhost -U postgres MYDB,
so that output file is named something like MYDB_BCP_2005-29-01, for
example. Is that possible?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Douglas McNaught" <doug@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Zlatko Matic" <zlatko.matic1@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: "ketan shah" <ketan_dba@xxxxxxxxx>; <pgsql-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2005 5:29 PM
Subject: Re: how to use pg_dump and then restored onto development
"Zlatko Matic" <zlatko.matic1@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
Concerning this question about pg_dump, I'm also confused and don't
understand when to use pg_restore and when to use psql ?
For example, how to restore in these two cases:
A) pg_dump -f D:\MYDB_BCP -c -x -h localhost -U postgres MYDB
B) pg_dump -f D:\MYDB_BCP -Fc -c -x -h localhost -U postgres MYDB
If you use any of the binary dump formats (-Fc or -Ft), use
pg_restore. For text dumps (the default) use psql.
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