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Vacuum advice

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I have a system that has a moderate amount of activity on it, nothing strenuous. The activity is a real mixture of operations: selects, updates, inserts and deletes. One thing strange about our database is that we have a log of stored procedures that use temporary tables. Most of the time the system runs fine, and a nightly vacuum does the job. However, occasionally we need to import data, and this involves inserting several million rows into a table, but this just *cripples* postgres. After the import has been running for a while, simple selects take a long time, and strangely, the query planner starts using a sequential scan on a table with millions of items in it. Surely inserts shouldn't be doing this? Should I be running a vacuum during the import? After how many operations should I be calling vacuum? We tried using pg_autovacuum but it didn't seem to do a very good job since we would often find the query planner getting it wrong, and a vacuum analyze would fix it.

Part of the import is to update items in a table to keep track of where the import is up to. The update is just setting an integer column, so does this create a dead tuple or will postgres alter the column in-place?

Thanks for your help
David Mitchell
Software Engineer

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