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Re: dealing with file size when archiving databases

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Am Montag, den 20.06.2005, 21:28 -0500 schrieb Andrew L. Gould:
> I've been backing up my databases by piping pg_dump into gzip and 
> burning the resulting files to a DVD-R.  Unfortunately, FreeBSD has 
> problems dealing with very large files (>1GB?) on DVD media.  One of my 
> compressed database backups is greater than 1GB; and the results of a 
> gzipped pg_dumpall is approximately 3.5GB.  The processes for creating 
> the iso image and burning the image to DVD-R finish without any 
> problems; but the resulting file is unreadable/unusable.
> My proposed solution is to modify my python script to:
> 1. use pg_dump to dump each database's tables individually, including 
> both the database and table name in the file name; 
> 3. use 'pg_dumpall -g' to dump the global information; and
> 4. burn the backup directories, files and a recovery script to DVD-R.
> The script will pipe pg_dump into gzip to compress the files.

I'd use pg_dump -Fc instead. It is compressed and you get some more
options for restore for free (selective restore for example)

> My questions are:
> 1. Will 'pg_dumpall -g' dump everything not dumped by pg_dump?  Will I 
> be missing anything?
> 2. Does anyone foresee any problems with the solution above?

Yes, the files might be too big for one DVD at a time.

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