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Advice on structure /sequence / trigger

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I am interested in having some internationalization capability to an application. i18 will take care of the interface but not the data. To internationalize the data, I am wanting to put the internationalized text strings in a multi_language table like this:

CREATE TABLE multi_language (
	id                                   SERIAL,
         ml_id                            INTEGER NOT NULL,
	language_id               INTEGER NOT NULL,
	language_text             TEXT NOT NULL

Other tables would have be joined by ml_id (the multi language id). For example:

CREATE TABLE example_table (
	id                                    SERIAL,
	name_ml_id                 INTEGER NOT NULL,

So in example_table, name_ml_id would join ml_id so you have the same ml_id in multi_language table for more than one language. So there would be two records in multi_language for a record in example_table if you had an english translation and french translation.

I want to add records to multi_language sequentially. So lets say I add a new example in example_table, I want to see what the last value that was added to multi_language was so that if would use the next in the sequence. As you can see by the structure the id field is serial and does this but I am speaking of the ml_id field specifically. Let's say I have one example record in example_table, multi_language would look like this

1, 1, 1, the brown cow   # english translation of name - language 1 (en)
2, 1, 2, la vache brun # french translation of name - language 2 (fr)

ml_id for both record is 1.

So when I create a second record example_table, I want to have this:

1, 1, 1, the brown cow # english translation of name (of example record - language 1 (en) 2, 1, 2, la vache brun # french translation of name (of example record- language 2 (fr) 3, 2, 1, the blue turkey #english translation of name (second record - language 1(en) 4, 2, 2, la dandon bleu #french translation of name (second record - language 2 (fr)

How best to do this? Would I create a separate sequence for multi_language ml_id and do a select on it to get the next value before inserting each multi_language record. Should this be done using a trigger - if so how? Should this be done in my application code and not sql or would that be dangerous. For example, the multi_language table will be used a lot. What if a couple of people were creating new records at the same time. If I were using python and doing this in my application code, I am wondering if there could be problems. With a trigger it would be transactional, correct? Can you have a trigger work from incrementing a sequence instead of updating a table?

I just want to get this right because it will be an important part of what I am preparing. Sorry for the really long message but I don't know if it would make any sense if I did not fully explain what i am wanting to do. I am not french so excuse my sample translations...

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