Greetings! Is there an issue when a large number of INHERITS tables exist for planning? We have 2 base tables, and use INHERITS to partition the data. When we get around 2000-2200 sub-tables (approx 1000-1100 per base table), planning a SELECT statement on the base table (ie, to search all sub-tables) will start slowing down dramatically (ie, feels like something exponential OR some kind of in-memory to on-disk transition). I haven't done enough to really plot out the planning times, but definitely around 1600 tables we were getting sub-second plans, and around 2200 we were above 30 seconds. Also, is there any plans to support proper partitioning/binning of data rather than through INHERITS? I know it has been mentioned as upcoming sometime similar to Oracle. I would like to put in a vote to support "auto-binning" in which a function is called to define the bin. The Oracle model really only supports: (1) explicit partitioning (ie, every new partition must be defined), or (2) hash binning. What we deal with is temporal data, and would like to bin on the hour or day "automatically", hopefully to support truncating whole bins. This helps us 2 ways: (1) data deletion is bulk (we currently drop a full inherited table), (2) cancelling a VACUUM/SELECT doesn't take forever while the execution engine finishes "this table" (we have had cancels take 2 hours because the VACUUM was on a very large single table). Regards! Ed ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?