Hmm you're right, they do seem to be working OK now.
Thanks for your response - maybe it was just a temporary glitch.
John Sidney-Woollett
Michael Fuhr wrote:
On Mon, Jun 06, 2005 at 08:13:10AM +0100, John Sidney-Woollett wrote:
Can anyone explain why none of the links to download the 8.0.0 source
work? I trying to use links on this page:
All the hostnames fail to resolve.
I just ran a script to check all of them and they all resolved for
me on Mon 6 Jun around 12:50 UTC. Are you still having trouble?
Might you be experiencing local DNS problems? Maybe somebody who
runs the DNS can say whether there were any problems
around the time you checked (presumably around 07:00 UTC, based
on your message time).
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