sql@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
Christopher Browne <cbbrowne@xxxxxxx> wrote:
Centuries ago, Nostradamus foresaw when sql@xxxxxxxxxxx would write:
"Gevik babakhani" <gevik@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Beside the documentation, which pg book would you recommend? Which one is
your personal favorite pg book?
I saw an O'Reilly book [1] this afternoon at a bookshop here in
Paris .. 'had to fight the urge to get my credit card out ... :-)
Anyone know if it's any good ?
It's a bit dated, being based on the state of things in the 6.5/7.0
days, but is still quite useful.
Just FYI the french version of the O'Reilly book covers 7.1 IIRC.
Joshua D. Drake
Your PostgreSQL solutions provider, Command Prompt, Inc.
24x7 support - 1.800.492.2240, programming, and consulting
Home of PostgreSQL Replicator, plPHP, plPerlNG and pgPHPToolkit
http://www.commandprompt.com / http://www.postgresql.org
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