I suppose the paralel work will be a problem if you are using one
sequence for all tables. If you insert a large amount of rows in
different tables there will be great slowdown because your sequence is
the bottle neck of your database. All the inserts must read from it one
by one. If you have many sequences (one for each table PK) every insert
in a different table will use different sequence and this will improve
Kaloyan Iliev
Janning Vygen wrote:
if you define a SERIAL column postgresql's default is to generate a sequence
for each SERIAL column (table_column_seq). But you can use one sequence for
the whole database like this:
CREATE dbsequence;
id int4 NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('dbseq')
id int4 NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('dbseq')
One drawback: You reach the internal end of a sequence faster if you use your
sequence for all tables. But this can be avoided if you use int8 datatype.
Are there other drawbacks/benfits using one Sequence for each table or one
sequence for all tables?
kind regards,
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