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Re: enable_sort optimization problem

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tom lane wrote:

Why does it think that only 159 of the 132245 rows in outages will have
join partners in ipinterface?  The actual results look like they all do.
It might be worth looking at the pg_stats rows for the join columns to
see if there's something odd about the statistics.

Here are the pg_stats (as of today, I haven't done any analyzes or vacuums since the night of my first posting) for outages and ipinterface (I've obscured some addresses in the ipiddr row, and removed iphostname):

schemaname | tablename | attname | null_frac | avg_width | n_distinct | most_common_vals | most_common_freqs | histogram_bounds | correlation
public | outages | outageid | 0 | 4 | -1 | | | {201,14775,27621,39600,53231,66043,79629,92779,105267,119744,134644} | 0.390484 public | outages | svclosteventid | 0 | 4 | -0.945011 | {280277,356772} | {0.000666667,0.000666667} | {17842,54830,81745,107030,135793,163240,191819,219223,268449,309128,371234} | 0.390484 public | outages | svcregainedeventid | 0.000333333 | 4 | -0.958031 | {280279} | {0.000666667} | {17844,54856,81787,107063,135821,163381,191856,219405,268450,309572,371494} | 0.390818 public | outages | nodeid | 0 | 4 | 396 | {962,397,191,185,377,139,237,378,1295,231} | {0.0173333,0.00966667,0.00866667,0.00833333,0.00833333,0.00766667,0.00766667,0.00766667,0.00766667,0.007} | {3,158,178,206,236,258,293,316,358,395,1452} | -0.0325868 public | outages | ipaddr | 0 | 16 | 396 | {208....,,,,,,,,,} | {0.0173333,0.00966667,0.00866667,0.00833333,0.00833333,0.00766667,0.00766667,0.00766667,0.00766667,0.007} | {,,,,,,,,,207...,209....} | -0.0116046 public | outages | serviceid | 0 | 4 | 10 | {9} | {0.87} | {1,1,1,1,1,1,11,14,23} | 0.781509 public | outages | iflostservice | 0 | 8 | -0.351555 | {"2005-04-12 18:27:16","2005-04-13 16:26:04","2005-04-13 17:49:33","2005-04-13 18:45:26","2005-04-13 20:07:07","2005-04-13 20:29:17","2005-04-17 01:34:25","2005-04-22 19:56:45","2005-04-11 14:32:39","2005-04-12 14:02:14"} | {0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.000666667,0.000666667} | {"2005-04-07 20:23:28","2005-04-12 14:51:23","2005-04-12 22:14:25","2005-04-13 05:10:24","2005-04-13 13:01:27","2005-04-13 20:51:31","2005-04-14 04:35:32","2005-04-14 11:40:45","2005-04-24 15:53:49","2005-05-14 13:57:16","2005-05-26 06:13:01"} | 0.390484 public | outages | ifregainedservice | 0 | 8 | -0.332081 | {"2005-04-11 14:33:51","2005-04-12 18:27:47","2005-04-13 16:26:35","2005-04-13 17:49:33","2005-04-13 20:07:46","2005-04-13 20:29:58","2005-04-17 01:34:56","2005-04-12 12:19:17","2005-04-12 14:02:45","2005-04-12 16:07:00"} | {0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.001,0.000666667,0.000666667,0.000666667} | {"2005-04-07 20:23:59","2005-04-12 14:55:59","2005-04-12 22:19:32","2005-04-13 05:16:01","2005-04-13 13:10:44","2005-04-13 20:56:58","2005-04-14 04:43:27","2005-04-14 11:44:15","2005-04-24 15:54:20","2005-05-14 13:58:35","2005-05-26 09:18:35"} | 0.390543
(8 rows)

schemaname | tablename | attname | null_frac | avg_width | n_distinct | most_common_vals | most_common_freqs | histogram_bounds | correlation
public | ipinterface | nodeid | 0 | 4 | -0.760204 | {383,195,132,149,380,381,382,1138,1142,1296} | {0.0349854,0.0189504,0.0174927,0.0174927,0.0174927,0.0174927,0.0174927,0.0153061,0.0153061,0.0123907} | {1,92,205,291,396,694,920,1031,1144,1352,1455} | 0.405376 public | ipinterface | ipaddr | 0 | 16 | -0.773324 | {,} | {0.225948,0.00218659} | {,,,207...,207...,207...,208...,208....,208....,209....,216...} | 0.14107 public | ipinterface | ifindex | 0.706997 | 4 | 51 | {1,-100} | {0.0327988,0.0262391} | {2,3,4,6,8,11,14,18,21,105,16777219} | 0.111678 public | ipinterface | ismanaged | 0 | 5 | 3 | {M,U,F} | {0.686589,0.225948,0.0874636} | | 0.503811 public | ipinterface | ipstatus | 0.733236 | 4 | 2 | {1,2} | {0.228134,0.0386297} | | 0.836075 public | ipinterface | iplastcapsdpoll | 0 | 8 | -0.765306 | {"2005-05-25 12:24:27.161","2005-05-25 11:41:20.384","2005-05-25 14:01:54.991","2005-05-25 14:30:18.367","2005-05-26 03:38:57.83","2005-04-18 14:12:28.958","2005-04-25 06:57:51.826","2005-05-03 19:39:53.817","2005-05-12 20:31:11.786","2005-05-12 20:41:40.77"} | {0.0182216,0.0174927,0.0174927,0.0174927,0.0174927,0.0167638,0.0167638,0.0167638,0.0153061,0.0153061} | {"2005-04-22 03:38:21.991","2005-05-12 20:38:13.719","2005-05-25 13:08:05.957","2005-05-25 16:33:14.61","2005-05-25 18:26:20.926","2005-05-25 19:33:52.111","2005-05-25 22:07:54.466","2005-05-25 23:14:54.804","2005-05-26 02:54:39.604","2005-05-26 07:29:45.067","2005-05-26 11:49:17.825"} | -0.0102781 public | ipinterface | issnmpprimary | 0.0495627 | 5 | 4 | {N,P,C,S} | {0.868805,0.053207,0.021137,0.00728863} | | 0.871739
(8 rows)

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