On Thu, 26 May 2005 06:06 pm, Surabhi Ahuja wrote: > > I have heard about "bulk loading algorithm" for indexes.. > for eg. if u have values like 1, 2,3,4,5, etc...till a very large number. > in case of simple mechanism of indexing, the values will be inserted one by one for eg..1 then 2 and so on > however in bulk loading ..the mechanism of building the index (bplus)tree is quite diffreent and very fast ezpecially if u consider a very large number of values. > > My question is : is this algorith implemented by postgreSQL. If yes please tell in what cases can i make use of it. Bulk loading for B+Tree's in implemented in PostgreSQL. It is used on index creation, or reindex. I don't believe it's in other places, but Others may have more to say. Regards Russell Smith. > Thank You > Regards > Surabhi Ahuja > ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings