On 5/24/05, Sebastian Böck <sebastianboeck@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
/* 3rd way of separating updates con: unnecessary updates on tables pro: view gets evaluated only 1 time
Not adressing the problem of unnecessary updates, but the view gets only evaluated one time.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION upd (view_test) RETURNS VOID AS $$ DECLARE NEW ALIAS FOR $1; BEGIN RAISE NOTICE 'UPDATE'; UPDATE test SET test = NEW.test WHERE id = OLD.id; UPDATE join1 SET text1 = NEW.text1 WHERE id = OLD.id; UPDATE join2 SET text2 = NEW.text2 WHERE id = OLD.id; UPDATE join3 SET text3 = NEW.text3 WHERE id = OLD.id; RETURN; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
Control question, I didn't check it, but would it be enough to change from: UPDATE join1 SET text1 = NEW.text1 WHERE id = OLD.id; to: UPDATE join1 SET text1 = NEW.text1 WHERE id = OLD.id AND text1 <> NEW.text1?
... I may be wrong. :)
Yes, thats more elegant then my other (4th) solution. Was late yesterday evening ;)
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