I was following this:
"Because large objects use the local filesystem, users connecting over a network cannot use lo_import or lo_export()."
Confirmed using psql.
What api/language are you using? Is this possible to do through DBI? If you don't use lo_import/lo_export, how do you insert/retrieve images? Pointers to docs are welcomed!
I have done it via PHP and I can definately insert with perl remotely (although I don't recall ever exporting):
Creates a new large object and returns the object-id. $mode is a bit-mask describing different attributes of the new object. Use the following con-
$dbh->{pg_INV_WRITE} $dbh->{pg_INV_READ}
Upon failure it returns undef.
$lobj_fd = $dbh->func($lobjId, $mode, ’lo_open’);
Opens an existing large object and returns an object-descriptor for use in subsequent lo_* calls. For the mode bits see lo_create. Returns undef
upon failure. Note that 0 is a perfectly correct object descriptor!
$nbytes = $dbh->func($lobj_fd, $buf, $len, ’lo_write’);
Writes $len bytes of $buf into the large object $lobj_fd. Returns the number of bytes written and undef upon failure.
$nbytes = $dbh->func($lobj_fd, $buf, $len, ’lo_read’);
Reads $len bytes into $buf from large object $lobj_fd. Returns the number of bytes read and undef upon failure.
$loc = $dbh->func($lobj_fd, $offset, $whence, ’lo_lseek’);
Change the current read or write location on the large object $obj_id. Currently $whence can only be 0 (L_SET). Returns the current location and
undef upon failure.
$loc = $dbh->func($lobj_fd, ’lo_tell’);
Returns the current read or write location on the large object $lobj_fd and undef upon failure.
$lobj_fd = $dbh->func($lobj_fd, ’lo_close’);
Closes an existing large object. Returns true upon success and false upon failure.
$lobj_fd = $dbh->func($lobj_fd, ’lo_unlink’);
Deletes an existing large object. Returns true upon success and false upon failure.
$lobjId = $dbh->func($filename, ’lo_import’);
Imports a Unix file as large object and returns the object id of the new object or undef upon failure.
$ret = $dbh->func($lobjId, $filename, ’lo_export’);
Thanks, Ed
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