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Re: MS-Access and Stored procedures

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""Zlatko Matic"" <zlatko.matic1@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message 
>I was using ADO command object and both refresh method and method with 
>creating parameter object while working with Access Project...but I didn't 
>try to use it with PostgreSQL...
> I would rather like to have all queries on client side anyway. Therefore I 
> use pass-through queries. But it doesn't allow using parameters (execept 
> by concatenation). Also, you can't base subforms on pass-through queries, 
> so now I use strange combination of local tables, append queries with 
> parameters based on pass-through queries etc. It works but I'm aware that 
> it is not very clever:)...

I find it hard to imagine why you would want to do it that way.  Perhaps if 
you explain what you are trying to do, others can offer suggestions.

> I think that it would be great if pass-through queries could accept 
> parameters. That would be a powerfull way for executing queries on client, 
> while keeping all the code on front-end side...But I doubt that Microsoft 
> will work on further Access improving anymore. It seems that Access is 
> left behind while VS.NET is top technology. Too bad...
> IS there any good book covering MS Access usage as front-end for different 
> database servers except MSDE ?

I find the "Access XX Developer's Handbook" (where XX is the Access version) 
gives the best all round coverage of Access development issues, including 

> Do you have form/subform/subform...based on stored procedures ? If so, how 
> do you synchronize form with subform ?
> Greetings,
> Zlatko
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Hervé Inisan" <typo3@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> To: <pgsql-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2005 11:06 PM
> Subject: Re:  MS-Access and Stored procedures
>>> Hello...This is very interesting. I have also asked myself
>>> how to prepare and execute stored procedures on POstgre from
>>> MS Access.
>>> Could you, please, give some example of Postgre function with
>>> parameters that is executed as stored procedure from MS
>>> Access? How would you pass parameters ? Using ADO Command object?
>> AFAIK, there are 2 ways to send parameters from Access to a PG function,
>> using ADO:
>> 1. Write the parameters as the CommandText string:
>> Set cmd = New ADODB.Command
>> cmd.ActiveConnection = cnn
>> cmd.CommandText = "mypgfunction('this is a parameter', 25)"
>> cmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
>> cmd.Execute
>> Set cmd = Nothing
>> The CommandText string can be the result of a concatenation:
>> Cmd.CommandText = "mypgfunction('" & strMyString & "', " & intMyValue & 
>> ")"
>> 2. Another way is to use "true" ADO parameters:
>> Set cmd = New ADODB.Command
>> cmd.ActiveConnection = cnn
>> cmd.CommandText = "mypgfunction"
>> cmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
>> Dim prm1 As ADODB.Parameter
>> Set prm1 = New ADODB.Parameter
>> With prm1
>>    .Type = adVarChar
>>    .Direction = adParamInput
>>    .Value = "another string sent to PG"
>>    .Name = "param1"
>>    .Size = 30
>> End With
>> Dim prm2 As ADODB.Parameter
>> Set prm2 = New ADODB.Parameter
>> With prm2
>>    .Type = adInteger
>>    .Direction = adParamInput
>>    .Value = 25
>>    .Name = "param2"
>>    .Size = 0
>> End With
>> cmd.Parameters.Append prm1
>> cmd.Parameters.Append prm2
>> cmd.Execute
>> Set cmd = Nothing
>> Voilà!
>> -- Hervé Inisan,
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