I need to do something like this:
SELECT t1.symbol AS app_name, t2.outside_key AS app_id FROM t2 LEFT JOIN t1 ON t1.t2_id=t2.id AS my_join LEFT JOIN rows of arbitrary (app_name, app_id) ON my_join.app_name=rows.app_name AND my_join.app_id=rows.app_id
The arbitrary app_name, app_id come from my app ;). I can't figure out how to create something that acts like a table with rows specified in the text of the query.
A temporary table perhaps? I don't know much (anything) about these...
OK - a few points.
1. I don't see any of your arbitrary columns used in the output of this query, which since they are on the outside of a left join means they don't have any effect. I'm assuming that's not what you want.
2. If the values are truly arbitrary, you might as well just generate random text and numbers in the query itself. So - are they user supplied values, or selections from a large set of possible values.
3. You don't say how many rows - 10, 100, 1000, 1 million?
-- Richard Huxton Archonet Ltd
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