Hi, I have created a simple plpgsql function as follows as included below. The function works fine but I need to have this done automatically on updates and inserts. So I have a table CREATE TABLE addresses ( address_id serial PRIMARY KEY, company varchar(250), fname varchar(100), lname varcahr(100, ...etc... hash_company varchar(250), hash_fname varchar(100), hash_lname varchar(100) ); The idea is, that the hashify_text function below is called for each (required) field e.g. comapany, fname, lname etc. and a hash version (using the word hash in a loose sense here) is created. The hash version is then used for quick db selects so that searchin for... 'A B C Ltd.' would find the strings 'ABC ltd', 'A.B.C. ltd.', 'A B C LTD' etc. So how can I create a trigger to automatically update the hash fields on updates and inserts? CREATE FUNCTION hashify_text(TEXT) RETURNS TEXT AS ' DECLARE out_text TEXT := ''''; in_text TEXT; index INTEGER := 0; max INTEGER; tmp CHAR; BEGIN in_text := $1; max = char_length(in_text); FOR i IN 1 .. max LOOP tmp = upper(substring(in_text from i for 1)); IF ( strpos(''01234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'', tmp) > 0 ) THEN out_text := out_text || tmp; END IF; END LOOP; RETURN out_text; END; ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; Regards, Abdul-Wahid ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ? http://www.postgresql.org/docs/faq