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Invalid unicode in COPY problem

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Hi all,

I've been chasing down a bug and from what I have learned it may be because of how postgreSQL (8.0.2 on Fedora Core 4 test 2) handles invalid unicode. I've been given some ideas on how to try to catch invalid unicode but it seems expensive so I am hoping there is a postgresql way to deal with this problem.

I've run into a problem where a bulk postgres "COPY..." statement is dieing because one of the lines contains a file name with an invalid unicode character. In nautilus this file has '(invalid encoding)' and the postgres error is 'CONTEXT: COPY file_info_3, line 228287, column file_name: "Femme Fatal\uffff.url"'.

To actually look at the file from the shell (bash) shows what appears to be a whitespace but when I copy/paste the file name I get the '\uffff' you see above.

I could, with the help of the TLUG people, use regex to match for an invalid character and skip the file but that is not ideal. The reason is that this is for my backup program and invalid unicode or not, the contents of the file may still be important and I would prefer to have it in the database so that it is later copied. I can copy and move the file in the shell so the file isn't apparently in an of itself corrupt.

So then, is there a way I can tell postresql to accept the invalid unicode name? Here is a copy of my schema:

tle-bu=> \d file_info_2
Table "public.file_info_2"
Column | Type | Modifiers
file_group_name | text |
file_group_uid | bigint | not null
file_mod_time | bigint | not null
file_name | text | not null
file_parent_dir | text | not null
file_perm | text | not null
file_size | bigint | not null
file_type | character varying(2) | not null default 'f'::character varying
file_user_name | text |
file_user_uid | bigint | not null
file_backup | boolean | not null default true
file_display | boolean | not null default false
file_restore_display | boolean | not null default false
file_restore | boolean | not null default false
"file_info_2_display_idx" btree (file_type, file_parent_dir, file_name)

'file_name' and 'file_parent_dir' are the columns that could have entries with the invalid unicode characters. Maybe I could/should use something other than 'text'? These columns could contain anything that a file or directory name could be.



Madison Kelly (Digimer)
TLE-BU, The Linux Experience; Back Up

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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