On 05/05/2005 05:46:16 PM, Daniel Browning wrote:
[I posted this recently to ports, but I think this is a more proper location]
Is anyone working on an 8.0.2 RPM for x86_64 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4? There is a i686 version for RHEL4, and a x86_64 version for RHEL3, but no combination of the two.
I can't think why you couldn't do a
rpmbuild --target=ia64-redhat-linux-gnu *.srpm
on the RH EL 4 srpm.
However, you could have problems because the 8.0.2 packaging does not allow for both the 8.x and 7.x libraries to be installed on the same box, which could make problems for various clients. I can't find any indication this will be fixed for 8.0.3 on any mailing lists either. As it seems the 8.x libarary API has changed, at least that's how I interpret the library major version number bump, it'd be a drag to have to wait for all the clients to use the new API before upgrading to 8. :-( I Cc-ed the rpm packger rather than use the bug tracking system because the bug system seems unused (and I only found it just now by accident.)
Rpm packaging of 8.0.2 libraries http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-general/2005-05/msg00219.php
Karl <kop@xxxxxxxx> Free Software: "You don't pay back, you pay forward." -- Robert A. Heinlein
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