On May 7, 2005, at 1:10, Tom Lane wrote:
Michael Glaesemann <grzm@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:I thought that the unique key would be checked at the end of the update
No, it's never worked that way. Each row is checked as it is inserted.
With an example like this, you may or may not get a failure depending on
chance physical ordering of rows.
This is not per spec, and I believe we have a TODO to fix it, but a fix is far from trivial.
Thanks for clarifying this point. I've since made a simple workaround for my particular situation:
update a1 set a_id = (-1) * (a_id + 1); update a1 set a_id = (-1) * (a_id);
This relies on all a_id values to have the same sign (or at least satisfy unique(abs(a_id))), which is true in my case.
Thanks again!
Michael Glaesemann grzm myrealbox com
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