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Connecting to Postgres using Rekall

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I'm using 9.3 and postgresql-8.0.1-6.  I started Rekall  which opens the 
database connection wizard. 
As the RDBMsS Server Type I pick the only one available:the Rekal PgSQL  
Driver (Shouldn't there be drivers for other DB's in the type list also?)  

The comment from the Rekal PgSQL driver dialog: 'This driver connects to 
PostgrSQL databases (version 7.x).'  Is this a typo? This version is 

When I use the Yast 'Edit an existing system user  module' to change the 
password for the user postgres it's not permanent.  It defaults back to some 
unknown six character password.  Does Anyone know what it is?

When I try to connect to the PostgreSQL server I get this message:FATAL: Ident 
authentication failed for user "postgres".  Anyone know why this is 

I understand that Rekall doesn't create databases.
I don't understand why it should be so difficult to use Rekall to open a 
postgresql database and just start using it.  I tried to use Rekall and 
PostgreSQl in 9.1,9.2 and 9.3.  In the process I've spoken to people on the 
Rekall mailing list and the PostgreSQL list and the Suse list.  I did make 
progress setting this up in 9.2 but it never worked quite right.  I got the 
database in OpenOffice going in minutes and in a half hour I had created 8 
tables (from templets).  Why is that so easy and this so hard?  I read the 
document but it doesn't talk about what to do if things aren't working; it 
only talks about what to do if things are working.

Why doesn't Yast change the password for postgresql to what I want it to be?
Why does the user postgres have a default password anyway?
Why is it so hard to find out what that password is?
Why should I have to authenticate myself on a pristine setup?  I'm the first 
one to use it, why am I locked out from the very beginning??
Why is all this apparently acceptable to the people who use this software 
What am I missing?

 I really would like to be able to use Rekall and PostgreSQL but for me it's 
like being at sea searching for a hidden channel into a safe harbor.  It all 
looks like shoreline to me. 

Please excuse my frustration and thanks for listening.
I tried to resist but after a few hours of getting absolutely nowhere it's 
very difficult.

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