Update: it might be not plpython, but similar to the plperl bug I found last time. The script which can produce the bug: -------- create table test (id int, date timestamp); create or replace function trigger_test() returns trigger as $$ plpy.info(TD['new']) return 'MODIFY' $$ language plpythonu; create trigger test_update before update on test for each row execute procedure trigger_test(); insert into test values (1, now()); insert into test values (2, now()); update test set id = 3; create or replace function test_perl() returns boolean as $$ use locale; use POSIX qw(locale_h); setlocale(LC_COLLATE,'hu_HU'); setlocale(LC_CTYPE,'hu_HU'); setlocale(LC_NUMERIC,'hu_HU'); return True $$ language plperlu; create or replace function trigger_test() returns trigger as $$ plpy.info(TD['new']) plpy.execute('select * from test_perl()') return 'MODIFY' $$ language plpythonu; update test set id = 4; --------- CREATE TABLE CREATE FUNCTION CREATE TRIGGER INSERT 9138862 1 INSERT 9138863 1 INFO: ({'date': '2005-05-05 13:20:43.793551', 'id': 3},) INFO: ({'date': '2005-05-05 13:20:43.794401', 'id': 3},) UPDATE 2 CREATE FUNCTION CREATE FUNCTION INFO: ({'date': '2005-05-05 13:20:43.793551', 'id': 4},) ERROR: invalid input syntax for type timestamp: "2005-05-05 13:20:43.793551" ------- I don't think that plperl or plperlu with locales should be used in production environment. Mage ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings