On 02.05.2005 16:41, Marco Colombo wrote:
Have you measured the real gain in using persistent connections at all?
As simple as possible:
<?php require_once('Benchmark/Timer.php'); $timer =& new Benchmark_Timer(); $timer->start();
pg_pconnect('host=myhost dbname=database user=user'); pg_query("SET search_path TO myschema;");
$q = "SELECT u.login FROM users WHERE u.user_id = 1;";
$qr = pg_query($q);
$timer->setMarker('Database'); $timer->stop(); $timer->display(); ?>
pconnect: 0.001435995101928 connect: 0.016793966293335
It's factor 10 on such simple things on the BSD box.
---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?