You get to do a bunch of string contatenation and you don't get the luxury of pre-planning, but this technique might work for you. If your arrays aren't too big, then it might be a winner. I'm sure someone more knowledgeable may well propose something more elegant.
---- create table test ( id int );
insert into test values(1); insert into test values(2); insert into test values(3);
create or replace function dynamic_test(int []) returns setof test as $$ DECLARE query text; testrow test; ids alias for $1; maxidx int := array_upper($1, 1); i int; BEGIN query := 'select * from test where id in ('; -- unroll the array ... for i in 1..maxidx loop query := query || ids[i]; if i <> maxidx then query := query || ', '; end if; end loop; query := query || ')'; raise notice 'query: "%"', query; -- okay -- eat it now for testrow in execute query loop return next testrow; end loop; return; END; $$ language plpgsql;
social=# select * from dynamic_test('{2,3}'); NOTICE: query: "select * from test where id in (2, 3)" id ---- 2 3 (2 rows)
---- ---- James Robinson
---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings