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plpgsql function not working

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Title: plpgsql function not working

I found this function on line [Thanks to Jeff Eckermann and Juerg Rietmann] that takes the results of a query and creates a comma delimited  string. However when I run it I get no values. Any help would be appreciated. I apologize if this is the wrong forum.

Jeff Ruff
Tycoelectronics Power Systems

DROP FUNCTION userinfo.group_list(text);
CREATE FUNCTION userinfo.group_list(text) RETURNS text AS'
        rec RECORD;
        string text := NULL;
        FOR rec IN SELECT * FROM userinfo.userdb_groups WHERE username = $1 LOOP
           string := string || rec.groupname || \',\';
        END LOOP;
        string := substr(string, 1, length(string)-1);
        RETURN string;
'LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';

Acts on database listing name userdb_groups

key     username        groupname
====    ======= ========
1023    jruff           srcadm
1024    jruff           libadm
1025    jruff           mpdev
1026    jruff           systems
1027    jruff           ug
1027    jruff           cadadm
1028    jruff           mppm
1029    jruff           corerd
1030    jruff           weblive

Jeff Ruff
Tyco Electronics Power Systems, Inc.
CAD Support Group
phone: 972-284-4267
email: jeffry.ruff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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