Chris Browne wrote:
Richard_D_Levine@xxxxxxxxxxxx writes:
I just got done comparing SPECMarks (on between Sun's AMD entry
level servers versus similarly configured UltraSPARCs versus desktop AMD
based machines. Sun's AMD machines are twice as fast as their UItraSPARCs,
for approximately the same price. What a hoot.
The focus should not just be on SPARC vs AMD64. The AMD64 chips
outperform Intel P4 and Xeon handily as well, using ooomph per
dollar, oooomph per Megahertz, or most other measures. I'm
certainly not complaining, it just appears AMD64 is an outstanding
value these days.
We purchased 2 laptops, one P4, one AMD64 from a linux-friendly
vendor to use as software demo boxes. The AMD CPU speed is about
60% of the Intel P4 CPU speed, both have same amount of RAM & Disk,
both have the same video controller. The intel laptop was more
expensive, but the AMD64 box clearly outperforms it with both
postgresql and our weather/flight tracking applications.
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