You can get the pro version for for 499.99 as a upgrade or a personal editon is also available for free or little cost.
You might even be able to get a copy of Delphi 7 on ebay for much less.
For Postgres development I use the Zeos components( and PostgresDAC(
Here is a quick example of how to execute a query with params in Delphi with a tdataset compatible query component.
myquery.clear; myquery.add('select firstname from companyinfo where lastname = :PARAM1'); parambyname('PARAM1').asstring:= 'smith';;
At this point if you have bound the query to a grid you will see the data, or you could loop through the result set like this:
while not myquery.eof do
The above code also works on Oracle, MS SQL, Mysql, DB2 etc etc as long as you use a tdataset compatible component set.
I have used C#, and VB classic and NONE of them are as easy and intuitive to use for database development as Delphi NONE.
Delphi 2005 also includes and C# along with native win32 development in pascal, you can also use the Kylix with the Zeos components for development on Linux, and while there has not been a update to Kylix in awhile, it still works great.
You can do lots more stuff with Delphi as well, just about anything you could do in C or C++ minus device drivers.
Tony Caduto AM Software Design Home of PG Lightning Admin for Postgresql 8.x
In Windows, what would you say is the easiest language to use which can talk to Postgresql? Just curious.... e.g. I have Liberty Basic which is very easy, but does not easily support ODBC...
Is anyone working with some form of Python on Windows. I downloaded Python, but it seems to run only in some DOS window. I mentioned this on a Dreamcard/Revolution board, and they said "Oh, you want PYTHON CARD."
Anyway, I would be interested to learn of an easy language which can access Postgresql, together with some decent examples or tutorials to get me going. I have a feeling that Realbasic will do the trick.
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