On 3/23/2005 11:22 AM, Joshua D. Drake wrote:
David Gagnon wrote:
Hi all,
I just created a new db wich userX is owner. I log via pgAdminIII
with the same user but I can't update the pg_class.
You are a datdba but not a superuser :). You have to be a super user
to update pg_class.
and not only a superuser, but one with usecatupd set to true as well.
Joshua D. Drake
UPDATE pg_class SET reltriggers = 0 WHERE relname = 'ic'
I get:ERROR: permission denied for relation pg_class
I do that on my dev env. The only difference I saw beetween users is
that my DEV user as priviledge to create database(But it shouln't
We create the db with : createdb -O userX -E UNICODE webCatalogTest
Thanks for your help!
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