I accidentally posted this to win32-hackers first, instead of here originally as I meant to. Just when everything looked good, it went to crap again. I was able to successfully install pltclu into one database with the command "createlang -U postgres pltclu dbname". Upon hitting enter, I was prompted for a password. The next time I went to run the same command, just on a different DB, I am no longer prompted for a password, and receive the error message, "createlang: could not connect to database template1: FATAL: password authentication failed for user "postgres". I checked to see if this error was specific to template1, by trying to install a different language on the original DB. That too failed with the same error. I have tried adding the -W, and --password options, as well as both of them together. Whatever I do though, I cannot get createlang to prompt me for a password. What do I need to do to figure out this problem? Thanks, Steve PS - I just tried running psql.exe and I get the same problem. I cannot get the utilities to prompt me for a password. I used to upgrade.bat file to upgrade, so I don't know what I could have messed up. Is there a setting, I need to change somewhere? ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx