I`m using postgresql 7.2.1. According to the following lines data in my database gets encoded as unicode. Server and client communication seems to use unicode as well:
woody=# select version(); version --------------------------------------------------------------- PostgreSQL 7.2.1 on i686-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC 2.95.4 (1 row)
woody=# select getdatabaseencoding(); getdatabaseencoding --------------------- UNICODE (1 row)
woody=# show client_encoding; NOTICE: Current client encoding is 'UNICODE' SHOW VARIABLE
I have a java program, which writes words containing german umlauts like äöü into the database. As you probably know, those characters belong to the ISO-8859-1 character encoding set.
In my java webapplication those umlauts (äöü) get displayed correctly. So they actually get stored correctly in the database.
I know I had to set the charSet option in the connection URL to get stuff working once:
Maybe that would work for UNICODE?
Regards, Magnus
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