On Apr 6, 2005, at 10:50 AM, Erick Papadakis wrote:
Some newbie questions that the archive search did not help me with.
1. Will PGSQL work on CentOS? Should I download RH Enterprise 3.0 binaries? Or RedHat 9.0 binaries?
2. Is there a startup kit with 6-7 easy install steps for a TOTAL NEWBIE? MySQL seems to be pretty easy to install (sorry for this comparison, but I have no choice). I tried some recommended links at www.phpbuilder.com etc, but they mention things that just dont work (e.g., execute linuxconf at the 'command prompt' -- well it doesn't work for me).
3. This comes a bit later in the game, but are there any scripts or easy ways to convert a MySQL database into PGSQL database?
Sorry, not a linux person. For mysql->postgres, I use SQL::Translator, a set of perl modules. Postgres also comes with two scripts to do it.
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