Costin Manda wrote:
The thing is the after I updated to 8.0.1 and also (separate ocasion) after I recreated the database one day, the script runs instantly with thousands and hundreds of lines inserted and updated per second. However, after a while the whole process slows down significantly, eraching the point of one insert or update per second or per four!!! seconds.
I have tried vacuuming full, reindexing, deleting the table and recreating it, I tried changing values in postgres conf and in the linux kernel. Nothing works except re initialising the whole database directory.
Some more info please:
1. This is this one INSERT statement per transaction, yes? If that fails, you do an UPDATE
2. Are there any foreign-keys the insert will be checking?
3. What indexes are there on the main table/foreign-key-related tables?
Whatever the answers to these questions, perhaps look into loading your data into a temporary table, inserting any rows without matching primary keys and then deleting those and updating what's left.
-- Richard Huxton Archonet Ltd
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