Sorry, this is probably a dumb mistake on my part. New to Postgres. Running 8.0 on Linux. The array_append below is giving me a syntax error, and I have no idea what I am doing wrong. Also as a side note is there a straightforward way to get a value from a dynamic query into a local variable? The loop construct at the end is the only way I know how... CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "property"."get_score_type_id_from_url" (p_url varchar) RETURNS integer AS $body$ /* returns a score_type_id given a filter url fragment */ declare v_parsed text[]; v_query_array text[] = '{}'; v_array_index integer = 1; rec record; v_value integer; begin if (char_length(p_url) = 0 or p_url is null) then return 1; end if; v_parsed := string_to_array(p_url,'/'); FOR rec IN SELECT * FROM property.filteritem ORDER BY filter_group_id, sort_order LOOP if (rec.item_name = v_parsed[v_array_index]) then v_value = rec.item_field_value; v_array_index = v_array_index + 1; else v_value = 0; end if; array_append(v_query_array,(rec.item_field_name || '=' || v_value::text)::text); END LOOP; /* todo: doesn't need to be a loop here */ FOR rec IN EXECUTE 'SELECT score_type_id FROM array_to_string(v_query) WHERE ' || array_to_string(v_parsed,' AND ') LOOP return rec.score_type_id; END LOOP; end; $body$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' VOLATILE CALLED ON NULL INPUT SECURITY INVOKER; ; ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?