I've googled and haven't found a solution. I had two ideas, neither of which worked out.
One thing I tried is to set ON DELETE CASCADE for all of my foreign key constraints. Then I added a rule ON DELETE DO ALSO UPDATE ... and a BEFORE DELETE trigger to stop the actual deletion. Unfortunately, that also stops the cascade.
My other idea involved an ON DELETE DO INSTEAD UPDATE ... rule and a BEFORE UPDATE PL/pgSQL trigger that manually implemented the cascading. The problem with that is that the only way I can find to generate an approproate UPDATE or DELETE statement is to create a string and then EXECUTE it, but I need values from the NEW or OLD records, which apparently aren't usable from an EXECUTE statement. I'll include my code at the end.
I haven't looked into using C. If that's what it takes, it'll be faster for me to just do it client side.
Are there any other potential server-side solutions that I'm missing?
Thanks for reading,
Adam Tomjack
My failed update trigger:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION my_cascading_deleter() RETURNS "trigger" LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' VOLATILE AS $BODY$ DECLARE r RECORD; r2 RECORD; r3 RECORD; i RECORD; sql TEXT; BEGIN IF NEW.active=false AND OLD.active=true THEN -- Loop over each table that references this one. FOR r IN SELECT child.relname AS child, child.oid AS childid, parent.oid AS parentid, c.conkey AS childkey, c.confkey AS parentkey FROM pg_constraint c JOIN pg_class child ON (child.oid=c.conrelid) JOIN pg_class parent ON (parent.oid=c.confrelid) WHERE contype='f' and parent.oid=TG_RELID LOOP sql := 'DELETE FROM '||r.child||' WHERE '; -- Loop over every column in the primary key FOR i IN 1 .. array_upper(r.childkey, 1) LOOP SELECT INTO r2 attname FROM pg_attribute WHERE attrelid=r.childid AND attnum=r.childkey[i]; SELECT INTO r3 attname FROM pg_attribute WHERE attrelid=r.parentid AND attnum=r.parentkey[i]; sql := sql || ' ' || r2.attname || '=OLD.' || r3.attname; END LOOP; EXECUTE sql; -- ERROR, doesn't understand the OLD record END LOOP; END IF; RETURN NEW; END; $BODY$ ;
---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?