Try putting quotes around the table name:
select * from "Table";
Do you see it in the table list?
Tommy Svensson wrote:
I have just installed Postgresql and tried it for the first time.
One very serious problem I ran into was when actually trying to use created tables.
Creating a simple table without any foreign keys works OK, but after creating the
table it is not possible to do a select on it! I tried the following variants:
SELECT * FROM <table>; SELECT * FROM public.<table>; SELECT * FROM <schema>.public.<table>;
All result in the message "The relation <table> does not exist!" or "The relation public.<table> does not exist!".
Creating a new table with a foreign key referencing the first table is also impossible due to exactly the same error message!
This behaviour is the same using DBVisualizer/jdbc or psql.
So the question is how do you actually reference the tables you have created so that postgres will find them ?
The tables do actually get created. I can se them in DBVisualizer.
I'm using version 7.4.5 on Linux Mandrake 10.1.
Best Regards, Tommy Svensson
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-- Regards,
Chris Smith
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