Hi everyone, I made a tetris under pl/pgsql and i encounter some problem with this non commun use of pl/pgsql. For each problem, i didn't see information about them, so my report : - Array problem (7.4.7 & 8.0.1) : I got a lot of problem with using array, like i saw under the ML, multidimensional array are not friendly to use so i used 1 dimension array but i needed to put data at point (x,y). The problem is how the array is created and how i can put data into it. I use this little test function : ------------------------------ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION test_array() RETURNS integer AS ' DECLARE a integer; b integer; c integer; array varchar[]; BEGIN array := ''{}''; a := 1; WHILE a < 17 LOOP b := 1; WHILE b < 17 LOOP c:= a + b * 16; RAISE NOTICE ''%'', c; array[c] := ''&''; b := b + 1; END LOOP; a := a + 1; END LOOP; return 0; END; ' LANGUAGE plpgsql; ---------------------------- Error message : ---------------------------- tetris=# select test_array(); NOTICE: 17 NOTICE: 33 ERROR: invalid array subscripts CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function "test_array" line 16 at assignment ---------------------------- To correct this error message, i need to make 2 init, the first with "array := ''{}'';" and a second one by insert data into it with incremential pointer : a := 0; WHILE a <= 999 LOOP array[a] := '' ''; END LOOP; Then my function test_array() work properly. But i dont understand why PL allow me to assign 2 times data into my array with "random" pointer and not the 3rd times. BTW, i dont really understand why i need to make "array := ''{}'';", some people who test it from pgsqlfr-general ML try without making this init and get not problem with "random" pointer. But array was <<null>>. - Problem with table refresh For my game, i need to detect keystroke, so i made an infinit loop waiting for key to be press. I have two case for 7.4.7 & 8.0.1, under 8.0.1 it seems to work properly. Under 7.4.7, i need to make : WHILE a = 0 LOOP for rGetkey IN SELECT * FROM getkey LOOP a := 1; END LOOP; select into a count(key) FROM getkey; END LOOP; Or i will allways have "a = 0" (maybe i miss something). But under 8.0.1, its ok with : WHILE a = 0 LOOP select into a count(key) FROM getkey; END LOOP; - Some features : I was surprise to see that i cant put any "'" after --. I thought it was detect as comment, so all after it on the line will not be compile Same as table refresh, i didnt understand why the function now() (7.4.7 & 8.0.1) dont refresh it self under a PL function and needed to use timeofday(); The test function : ------------------------------------------ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION test_now() RETURNS varchar AS ' DECLARE a timestamp; b integer; BEGIN b := 1; while b <> 0 LOOP select into a now(); RAISE NOTICE ''%'', a; END LOOP; return ''a''; END; ' LANGUAGE plpgsql; ------------------------------------------ That's all, Regards, ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not match