Dear Richard: 1.Thank you for reply 2.Dear Richard,I must write a Makefile for my client packge.But i don't know on pgsql's library & path of its include-files.
Depends on how you installed PostgreSQL. If it's via RPM then you can see what files are installed with "rpm -ql"
rpm -ql postgresql
rpm -ql postgresql-libs
If you installed via source, the files you want are probably somewhere like /usr/local/pgsql/...
Please guide me on writting a Makefile for a client packege with pgsql.
Well, if you want a guide to developing software, you might start with:
Some questions for you:
1. Do you know how to write a Makefile for your C++ application without PostgreSQL?
2. Are you linking to other databases at the moment?
3. Do you know how/where you installed PostgreSQL?
4. Have you read the documentation on libpq in the manuals?
5. Did you download/read and documentation from the libpqxx/pp links I provided yesterday?
-- Richard Huxton Archonet Ltd
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