I was wondering if this problem had ever shown up on a machine that HADN'T lost power abrubtly or not. IFF the only machines that experience corruption have lost power beforehand sometime, then I would look towards either the drives, controller or file system or somewhere in there.
I can't be sure. We have an automated maintenance process that reboots all our customers machines every 10 days at 2am. Having said this I'm now wondering if this may have something to do with the issue. This automated process issues a 'shutdown' to the database (and all other processes), waits 20 seconds and then issues a 'reboot' to the kernel. If the database was still processing, the active postmaster process may wait for the client to complete the query before allowing it to close, but I'm assuming that if this exceeds 20 seconds, the kernel will issue a 'sigquit' to the process tree and reboot immediately. Could this cause corruption?
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