Hi, I wrote a few days ago with an error in a
PostgreSQL 8.01 SP in pgplsql, I've done a lot of stuff and i still can't
execute the sp, I will pass you all the messages...
-- **** My SP**** ---
sp_insert_users_2(varchar, varchar, varchar, varchar, smallint, date, smallint,
smallint, varchar, varchar, varchar,
varchar, varchar, varchar, varchar) RETURNS integer AS ' DECLARE
nombre ALIAS FOR $1; apellido ALIAS FOR $2; pass ALIAS FOR $3; e_mail ALIAS FOR $4; sexo ALIAS FOR $5; fecha_creacion ALIAS FOR $6; status_user ALIAS FOR $7; edad ALIAS FOR $8; pais_origen ALIAS FOR $9; ocupacion_user ALIAS FOR $10; estado_civil_user ALIAS FOR $11; ip ALIAS FOR $12; comentario_user ALIAS FOR $13; intereses_user ALIAS FOR $14; foto ALIAS FOR $15; userid INTEGER := nextval(); BEGIN BEGIN INSERT INTO users (firstname,lastname,password,email,sex,datecreate,status,age,pais,ocupacion,estado_civil,remote_ip,co mentario,intereses,fotoext) VALUES (nombre,apellido,pass,e_mail,sexo,fecha_creacion,status_user,edad,pais_origen,ocupacion_user,estado_civil_us er,ip,comentario_user,intereses_user,foto); EXCEPTION WHEN UNIQUE_VIOLATION THEN RETURN 0; END; RETURN userid; END; ' LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- **** END of my SP **** --
Inside psql I did the following (insert.sql
contains the sp definition) :
[cristian@desarrollo ~]$ psql mydb
Welcome to psql 8.0.1, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal. Type: \copyright for distribution
\h for help with SQL commands \? for help with psql commands \g or terminate with semicolon to execute query \q to quit mydb=# \i insert.sql
CREATE FUNCTION mydb=# select sp_insert_users_2('Cristian', 'Prieto', 'hola', 'testing@xxxxxxxxxxxxx', 0, current_date, 0, 20, 'Guatemala', 'nadologo', 's oltero', '', 'hola', 'nada', 'fotoaqui'); ERROR: function sp_insert_users_2("unknown", "unknown", "unknown", "unknown", integer, date, integer, integer, "unknown", "unknown", "unknown" , "unknown", "unknown", "unknown", "unknown") does not exist HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You may need to add explicit type casts. mydb=# What is happening here? I just passed the right
parameters but that stuff doesn't work handling my parameters? what am I doing
wrong??? I have a week with that trouble, somebody please help me!
Thanks a lot...