Peter Eisentraut wrote:
Am Freitag, 11. Februar 2005 13:37 schrieb Marques Johansson:
A recent Slashdot thread on MySQL performance
contains a comment mentioning the following Fermilab report from May 2003:
They were apparently testing with PostgreSQL 6.3 at best, so I'd disregard
this report.
Perhaps someone from advocacy could go through their list of issues
and help them. They do seem to be trying to update it, and now
have references to newer features: "Datafile location and a
tablespace implementation as of version 8."
However some of their criteria (savepoints:"no", incremental
online backups:"no", and "access to multiple databases: no"
(what about dblink)) still seem incorrect.
Fermilab did have contact information ("mail comments to:") at the
bottom of the page. Fermilab's a quite highly respected organization,
so I think this page is probably trusted by many.
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings